Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happy birthday dear S

Happy birthday my sweet potato. I can't believe you're already 5. This year has been such a big year for you. You've started full day school - from 8:30 in the morning till 3:15 in the afternoon. At the beginning of the year you were so apprehensive about being in school the whole day. Kept waiting for your best friend from last year to come to class, and getting upset if she didn't come. And now you've adjusted so well, and look forward to school. You've made new friends and adjust with everyone however different they are from you.
You've tried so many new things this year  -skiing (you're already a blue queen, much better than your mama), ice skating and of course continuing with your swimming. You can read and write now and happily write your name in all the cards we give for your friends on their birthdays. You love your family, from your Ajja and Ajji to your cousins and keep talking about them to your friends and can't wait to meet them. And of course fight like cats and dogs with your little sister A. You've figured out that now A is too old to 'get away' with things anymore. But i still catch you hugging and helping her amidst all your fighting. And A adores you. Of course when you take away her balloon, you are "not my best friend anymore"  but you must know that daily she waits for the time we have to go and pick up Akka and how she changes when you are around.
It's true, sometimes i lose my patience with you, because you can be extremely demanding, but you are so sweet and loving and kind that I resolve everytime to be more patient. You feel the peer pressure and  want to be more like your friends, but your inherent nature is so different that it makes it so difficult for you. I must learn to recognise and manage these situations better.

So what are your favourite things now  -you love to draw and paint (and you are lucky to have friends who realise this and gave you an easel for your birthday!) and you love to swim, bake, do crafts, do lego, dress up as a fairy, watch Madagascar 3 and dance Gangnam style! You love having playdates, playing board games, playing in the snow and reading books (you've memorised all your favourite books).

This year, since your daddy was travelling on your birthday we had a series of celebrations for your birthday. The weekend before, we  baked and cut a cake and gave you your present (a Dora pullalong suitcase). On the day of your birthday we celebrated in your class with cupcakes. You were so shy when everyone sang happy birthday to you. Then we got your 2 best friends N and M to come home for a playdate after school. And at night we went to a friend's place where you cut a cake and got presents and everyone pampered you. Your party with your school friends is on March 3rd, with the ski week holiday and other birthdays coming up I couldn't schedule it earlier! Rightly you are confused when your actual birthday is, but it doesn't matter, you can celebrate on all the occasions!

Happy birthday sweetie! 

1 comment:

Anita said...

Ah my two Feb girls grow older and more charming. Happy bday to both A and S