Tuesday, September 11, 2012

New deed for the day

Do you remember the episode in Friends where Ross says his resolution is to do a new thing everyday. Well i don't have any such resolution, but here is my new deed for the week. I applied for a job in German! The entire online application form was in German and with my little German knowledge and largely Google translate I filled in the form and submitted it. My CV is in English though! I hope I haven't filled in something incorrectly, like i was fired from my previous job or something like that. Keep fingers crossed!


Rohini said...

Wow! Hope you didn't make some scandalous typo ;)

pigglemum said...

on the other hand, if you have, they might just interview out of curiousity despite the no work permit thing.

Mum's delight said...

Ro, Nafu i shouldv'e left some scandalous comment, maybe that would've generated some interest. I already got a rejection mail from them :(