Friday, July 17, 2009

Sunshine after many rainy days

I love sunshine. Its not that I hate rains, but after 2-3 days of continuous rains I start feeling depressed and anxious for the sun to return. And today after 4 days of more or less non stop rain the sun is out. And I am happy. Another reason for my happiness is that S has (touchwood) recovered from her illness which had made her quite weak during the last few days. The first two days were really bad, she refused to eat or drink anything. She had a cold and we thought because she was even refusing milk, maybe she had a sore throat as well. Usually even when she’s sick she always has milk, but this time she refused milk, water even and of course food. I didn’t want to start antibiotics since that would only make her more weak and luckily she’s now recovered more or less and is back to her naughty tricks. The main thing which has taken a backseat is her school, no point in sending her when she’s unwell so its been a full week off for her, which means next Monday definetly to expect the waterworks!
My mom was here for the full week and that’s how I was able to manage work even though S was unwell. Otherwise I could not have thought of leaving her while she’s so sick with the maids. They are good, and take care of her, but I don’t feel they have the judgement of when to give her medicine, when to try and feed her something and when to just let her sleep. When it’s the normal routine they manage quite well, but this time I was on the phone with my mom every two hours for an update.
S has started saying No for everything. I asked her this morning whether she wants to go to school and its No. Whether she wants milk and its No. The only thing she doesn’t say No for is if she wants some chips. She hasn’t quite learnt Yes yet so usually silence greets the question on chips.
Plan to make full use of my mom being here to catch the latest Harry Potter movie without S in tow. Otherwise we have to take in the late night show with S on our lap, and nowadays S has started waking up in between the show and then refusing to go back to sleep so its tiring for all of us!

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