Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Summer holidays 2024

 This year, after the usual trip home to Bangalore ( where I’m working) we are doing a 3 week trip to Boston. S is doing a two week course at Harvard so we are accompanying her and chilling out while she works hard. 

To minimise mine and Nip’s leave while maximising kids holidays and long travel to USA we are doing me and  the girls for first two weeks, then N join for two weeks. So N and I have one week in common and girls get 3 weeks here. 

It’s Avery long journey from Singapore to Boston - 7 hours flight to Dubai and then 13 hours flight to Boston. Quite exhausted by the time we got here .the frist evening just went in picking up dinner and supplies from whole foods.

Saturday we went walking past MIT to city centre - Brandy Melville for the girls and then some nice Mexican lunch at Lolita.s followed by. Ooziest from Levains bakery. In the evening we went to Faneuil market hall - some Jewelry shopping and walking around,

Sunday S started her course - poor thing she got cough and chest congestion from me- touch wood she recovers soon, 

Monday A and I went for a 4 hour whale watching cruise - saw a shark, hump back whale and Mimi whales. Nice trip but very long.after cit was back to Faneuil market for some shopping and lunch, then we had to buy a fan and supplies for S and managed to met her for a little while in the evening,

Still getting over jet lag - slept at 7:30 on Friday, 8:30 on Saturday, 9:30 on Sunday and 10 on Monday. Still gett ing up fairly early each morning

Weather has been gorgeous so far but today looks like a rainy day. A and I did a one hour walk along the Charles River and then went to meet S for lunch near her college.

Wednesday A was under the weather but we managed a 45 mins walk to Museum of Fine Arts where they had a lovely collection of Impressionist paintings, Egyptian mummies, Greek statues etc. after a relaxing siesta in the afternoon we headed out to Olive Garden in the evening for some yummy pasta.

Thursday has been a relaxed day, 1 hour walk along the Charles river, then some cooking and relaxing in the room. S joined us in the afternoon to unwind and we caught some Olympic stuff on the TV. 

Tomorrow we leave for NYC to meet my cousin D who is flying down from SFO to spend the weekend with us. Can’t wait. 

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