Sunday, June 2, 2024

The last few years

I've been out of touch updating this blog and I'll try to be more regular. Its been a strange last few years. We were stuck in Singapore from February'20 to Dec'21 due to Covid and unable to travel out. Really missed seeing Ajja and Ajji. When we finally made it to the USA in Dec'21 we got Covid the day before flying out and got another 2 weeks in San Jose. Looking back now, it was stressful the first few days, moving into a service appartment, waiting for A to recover, trying to figure out a way home. But we also enjoyed those days together as a family - cooking together, watching Jeapordy, going for long walks along the river and playing board games. 

After returning to Singapore our next trip was to Bangalore in July'22. Thereafter we tried to go every 3-4 months for a week to Bangalore. But there was a big change in the girls between Aug'19 and July'22  - they had suddenly grown up and were not the little girls that Ajji and Ajja used to know. And Ajja's health has deterioriated rapidly and I worry the bond between Ajji and the girls is also not the same as it used to be. This last year we have only been able to travel to Bangalore once - we went in August'23 and due to S exams (she's in 10th can you imagine) we did not travel in December or April. We are going to Bangalore for two weeks in June-July. Have been urging Ajji to visit us in Singapore but she doesn't want to leave Ajja in his current situation by himself. 

Sadly Ajja's mental health has deteriorated quite rapidly and he struggles with day to day tasks. I hope Ajji is able to find mental peace being with Ajja at home. I feel sad that the girls are growing up without seeing their grandparents regularly. 

In other news, N left his job of 24.5 years and took up a role in India. That was the only role he could find after a 6 months exhausting search so we are grateful for what we get. He travels between Singapore and Delhi -initially weekly, and now once in 2 weeks (but for 3 days at a time). We'll be spending some time in the summer together as  family in the USA, which will be nice. 

Its time for a break for S as well. Its been a very intense year of iGCSE - 11 subjects, 22 plus papers, mock exams and now final exams over a 1.5 months long period. Its the last two weeks and final 5 papers. Hats off to her, she's studied really hard, and deserves only the best. She'll be doing a summer course in Harvard which should be fun. 

A is in 8th grade, some end of year tests for her. Still very much happy go lucky, though would not call her little anymore, towering over me. She continues to be joyful and sweet, both girls the love of our lives. 

Have made some good progress on the career front. Finally made it to the big Director this March. Its been a long journey with many twists and turns, but grateful to have the support of my parent, N and the girls all the way. It promises to be a long road ahead also (fingers crossed) as I have many responsibilties to keep and miles to go before I sleep....

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