I’ve been
at work just a week and already I'm missing out on some important stuff in the
kids life
A’s ear
piercing. The hubby andAjji took A today morning to the jewellers and got her
ears pierced. They said she was very quiet and didn’t make a fuss at all. She
cried a bit after the first ear but didn’t fuss to have the second ear pierced
and sat on the stool by herself. Very different from S who started screaming
when they put a black marker on her ears to mark the spot for the ears to be
pierced. Shucks I missed this, but she was in safe hands and probably would
have kicked up more of a fuss if i had been there
haircut. Alright it was just a trim, but they washed and blew dry the hair and
made it straight so she must have been delighted. She loves brushing her hair
straight so much, I keep on telling her that curly hair looks lovely but
unfortunately all the princesses she idolises have straight hair! Everyone in
the family functions fawned over the girls curly hair so am hoping this makes
them happier with their lovely curly locks
S sporting
activities – according to the hubby S is learning to play cricket and has
started batting well under the able guidance of her cousins whom she absolutely
adores. She already does front flips on the trampoline which she says her
cousin Y taught her. They went bowling as well last night, but that was not so
much of a success since the bolwing alley did not have an option of keeping the
gutters up and am sure S balls kept going into the gutter
S X ray- i
had planned to take S to a paediatrician on our India visit since i wsn’t too
happy with the doctors treatment here. Am sure they are excellent but they are
not very communicative and I am not sure what to expect in terms of S recovery.
So the hubby took S to a leading orthopaedic paediatrician in Bangalore and
they did an X ray and said the leg is fully healed now. I wish i could have
been there to ask more questions, but cant do it all
I guess
this is how its going to be going forward. I won't be able to be there for
everything in the girls life like i have been for the last 2 and a ½ years but
I hope to make it for all the important stuff or at least enure one loving
close relative does. Love you girls, miss you!
1 comment:
Don't worry. As they grow older their lives will anyway divulge more and more from yours. Atleast now you have started reclaiming a little of your life. And am sure you will be around for a lot of things.
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