1. Spend at least 1 hour quality time with the kids daily : This is going well. I try to do at least 1/2 hour to 45 mins activity with S daily, and play in the toyroom for another 15 mins. I include the Thursday playgroup, and Friday swimming in this, and from tomorrow S starts ballet on Saturdays so that will also be included. It helped that the hubby was away for 2 weeks- i didn't spend much time cooking or on the dishes, so got more time to spend with the kids. For the last few days I've also stopped TV at night- i realised it was getting a bit too much- 45 mins in the afternoon and another 1/2 hour at night, and S was taking longer and longer to eat just watchignt eh idiot box. So at night i read a book to A and feed her and S eats by herself, usually while looking at a book. 2. Exercise at least 4 times a week. Sigh, this is not going so well. Combination of things. With the hubby away, I've not been able to |
take time off in the weekends to exercise, and last few weeks have |
been busier than usual what with trying to organise S birthday party, do a coffee morning for parents at school. take full advantage of the winter sale in the shops. It's down to 3 times a week. The only positive is that I'm upto 5 km in 36 mins . |
3. Read at least 1 book a month. This is going well. This month I've managed to read (ok i have another 50 pages left but it's a 600+ page book) "The Corrections" by Jonathon Franzen for the book club. Good idea to join the book club, at least there is some pressure to finish a book, so when i have 1/2 hour at night i take up the book instead of watching TV or surfing the net. The book is interesting, the first 50 pages were tedious, but the rest has been well paced and well written. 4. Try to sleep by 11:30 every night, and get the kids to bed by a reasonable time. This is going TERRIBLY. The last two weeks I've been taking the kids out a lot during the day to make up for not having their daddy home in the evenings. We've been visiting S' friend who lives close to us and going sledding with her, going to the zooligical musuem at the university, going to the Zoo, going to a friend's place for dinner, and their schedule has gone haywire. They are taking their afternoon nap as late as 4 in the afternoon and not able to sleep before 11 at night. This means they are awfully tired for school the next day and again have to take a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. Have to change this quickly. Also if they sleep only at 11, then after finishing the household work, if i read/surf the net for an hour i end up sleeping only at 1. Yawn yawn. I also end up napping the afternoon now. 5. Cook one new dish a week. This is going well. So far I made three new dishes this month. Carrot kosambri- grated carrot sabzi basically. And dhoodhi and channa dal sanzi, and soya bean curry. I also managed to bake a half decent set of brownies (with a mix though). So that's the update this month. |
1 comment:
Not bad at all. Most of your resolutions are going ok! Maybe you can try and set the kids timings and plan the day around it?
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