Yesterday I decided I'd had enough of looking like a hairy bear and decided to wax myself in the afternoon during the children's nap. S usually sleeps like a log so nothing to worry about, but A has a habit of waking up after an hour and having to be tapped back to sleep. So I had one hour to get my stuff done.
But suddenly A decided to wake up in half in hour and started howling loudly. I was in the middle of waxing my arm, so had to rush out with the wax strip stuck to my arm, wearing a towel and rock A back to sleep. 10 minutes later I rushed back to the bathroom and decided to hell with it, I'll leave the right arm half done and just quickly have a bath before she wakes up again. But no, just as I was pulling that strip off, again A woke up and this time she took 15 mins to get back to sleep. In the meanwhile some of my hair had slipped from the ponytail and got stuck in the wax on my arm, and I had to pull it off (ouch!!).
I managed to get in a quick shower and then watched as A slept peacefully for the next 11/2 hours.
Never again..
I think kids have an awesome sense of timing..
You're back! How was your trip?
hop you enjoyed the trip..
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