Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dear Ajja and Ajji

Dear Ajja and Ajji
You left just yesterday but we already miss you terribly.
Ajja, you came daily to drop me at my school and pick me from my school, never mind that you you had to rush through your morning coffee, or skip it completely sometimes and catch a hurried breakfast afterwards, or rush through a morning activity between the dropping and the picking up. You spoke to my teacher, asked me daily how my day was , what I did, whom I played with and even remembered the names of my class mates. A adds, Ajja you felt so sad when you came to drop me and heard me crying as soon as mummy parked the car and tried to cheer me up. When you came to pick me up, you always said cheerful things and tickled me from the front of the car to improve my mood.
Ajja, you let us destroy your playing cards set. S says, you taught me the four suits in cards (something even Daddy does not know yet) and am waiting for you to teach me bridge when I grow up. A says, you patiently watch as I throw the cards all around the room, or start bending them, happily babysit us and play silly games like wearing rubber bands/bindis etc to keep us amused. You never get angry with us even when we shout loudly during your afternoon nap, or barge into your room looking for a change of clothes (S specialty).
Ajji dear, you love and pamper us unconditionally. S says, you tie my hair up every morning (and make sure its well brushed and oiled, not hurriedly put into a ponytail like mom does) and never lose your patience however much I scream. You read so many stories to me, in the afternoon at night during the day whenever I ask for one. You give up your afternoon nap to do activity with me and still have the energy and enthusiasm to take me to the park while mummy has her German class. You whip up new delights for me to eat and patiently watch as I dilly dally over my milk and food.
And A says, I am nannoo and you are ammamma. . You are my big mommy. Always finding time to sit in the toyroom and play with me, teach me drawing, entertaining me while mummy tried to feed me, and consoling me when I fight with my big sister. You involve me in all activities you do with akka, be it drawing, reading, puzzles. You don't mind when i open all your creams and liberally apply them over myself and you, attack and destroy all your bindis and general make a complete mess on your bed. You patiently play with me in the afternoon, while mummy is either napping (lazy mom) or out somewhere and put me gently to sleep when I'm tired, not when you are feeling tired. You always find time to pick me up and hug me even when you're in the middle of cooking. At the park you watch as I run after S trying to do whatever she does, and keep all the pebbles I keep coming and giving you.
We miss sitting on your bed, putting the fan on and playing with you and Ajja. Come back soon.
We can't wait to see you in December. Do remember to put in the second swing!
Love S and A


Anita said...

:) Looks like S and A enjoyed the grandparents visit. But looks like you enjoyed it even more than them.

Mum's delight said...

I always do..