Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The new babysitter

I found me a babysitter!
Two days back I urgently needed to have bath (had just finished a workout and was all sweaty and stinky) and could not wait for A to take a nap (usually I can take a bath only when A's napping or the hubby is at home to mind A). So I told S, please look after A, keep her entertained and don't fight with her, I'll be back in ten mins. And S was such a doll. I could hear her telling A, mummy's coming in some time, come take this toy, come and play with me on this rug and so on. And can you believe not a peep from A and when I came out both were playing happily. Really, sometimes S can be a real doll.
And sometimes not. The other day some friends had come over for lunch with their kids, and S asks me loudly in front of them "When are they leaving". And not just once, but twice. I was totally embaressed. But I must admit, I handled it badly. The thing is S is allowed to have snacks (chips etc) immediately after her lunch. This is the only time of the day she's allowed to have it as I don't like to completely restrict it (me and the hubby keep eating snacks and its difficult to eat in front of the kids and say no to them) and I found that it is a good time as she's already full from her lunch and doesn't have too much. So its become a habit for her to have her snacks after her lunch. So that day after her lunch she asked me for snacks. I asked the other moms if they were ok with me giving her chips but they asked if I could avoid it as their kids had not eaten their lunch properly and would not eat lunch if chips were offered to S. So I told S, after everyone leaves you can have your snacks. My mistake! After that she kept on asking when they were leaving, so that she could have her snacks. I still feel embaressed thinking about it.

Coming back to the babysitting find, I made the most of it today as well. I had to cook dinner and A did not nap properly in the afternoon so I could not get a chance to cook while she was sleeping. So in the evening I tried to cook but A kept coming into the kitchen, clinging to my leg and crying. I finally called S, asked her to look after A, and shut the kitchen door. When i checked after five minutes A was happily playing in the toy room, S was showing her some toys, and I managed to finish my cooking without any interruptions.
And finally the hubby has started babysitting (and about time too I say). The problem so far was that A is very clingy to me and was not going to the hubby much. But now realising that fun times can be had with the hubby and S, and being with mummy means being in the kitchen, or being fed A has started going more to the hubby. So in the last week I've been able to leave the kids with the hubby twice and go out and get my work done. The test will be when I go and see the latest Harry Potter film and leave them for a longer period. Keeping fingers crossed.


Anita said...

Not bad huh. S is totally the elder sister!

Mum's delight said...

like you were??

Anita said...

Yes. Elder sisters are a nice, loving, responsible breed...for most part.