Monday, December 20, 2010

A walked today

A walked today for the first time. She was standing by herself, not holding onto anything in the middle of my mom's hall and I went towards her calling her to me and she took 3-4 steps towards me. She promptly sat down after that and crawled the rest of the distance towards me.
She's been walking holding onto the furniture for some time. But she's been very comfortable crawling at full speed all around the place to give the whole walking thing a try. But over the last week she's started standing without any support for some period of time and then trying to walk. Yesterday at my aunt's place she held onto the centre table and walked round and round for some time.
And today after her first few steps, she again tried, and after a couple of steps she held onto her sister S and started walking holding onto her as a walking support!! It was so cute, it looked like A was hugging S and S was the patient elder sister.
A has now two small teeth also and is quite the glutton for snacks- she loves tiger biscuits, breadsticks, gerber snacks and even murukku!!

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