1. Ever since i started working part time from home I try to take the kids to the park everyday. We usually go around 5:15 and return by 6:15 as it becomes dark and mosquitoes start biting. I try for Joggers park since there is a nice garden there where A can crawl around while S plays in the sandpit. Only problem is it takes about 10 mins by car to get there and i find it difficult to drive on a steep uphill road, which is the only congestion free route to the park. Also there are only 2 swings there and about 200 kids so S never gets to go on the swing. Just play in the sand, see the ducks/geese/rabbit/parrots and we are back. So we usually go there about 2-3 times a week and other times i take only S to the nearby park, which used to be much less crowded. It has 6 swings, and many slides and S can usually get a swing for about 10 mins. But lately this park has also started getting very crowded, and one day when we went there on a holiday, which was also a festival, there were tons of older kids there. I had to literally fight with them to give S a turn- the swings are meant for kids under 8 and there were much older kids playing on them. I finally told them that they are not meant to use these swings and that they would get spoilt if older and heavier kids sat on it (felt like a meanie after that!). The slides were worse, the older kids were pushing and shoving each other and S also got a couple of pushes and shoves and had to struggle to climb up and use the slides. I lost my cool a couple of times and fired the children (why were there mothers not saying anything to them? too busy chatting with each other i guess) and later felt bad as i was quite harsh. I thought at that time, am so happy we are moving to Zurich where my kids will not have to fight with other kids to get access to normal things like swings/slides etc and will not be pushed around and have to wait to use these facilities. There's a problem of plenty in Zurich and very few people to use the facilities (someone told me they usually walk about 10 mins to reach the station and on most days dont see a single other person! can you imagine this in Bombay, not even at 2 am in the night!). But then i was not so sure. I dont want the kids to grow up in an environment where they are not used to any ambiguity, no waiting, or sharing/fighting with other kids. Then later, when they go to any other place where there are many people, they will find it very difficult to adjust. They would probably refuse to play in the parks in Bangalore (at my moms place) or Bombay as they would be scared of the crowds! And what is life without a bit of adjusting, i say? As they say, solpa adjust madi!
2. Gym is not going so well. I ran for 6 mins today (up from 4 yippee!) then felt really sick afterwards. collapsed into the auto, just about made it home and collapsed on the bed. Its not like i am overdoing it (6 mins running, 10 mins walking and 5 mins cycle is hardly overexerting!), but i guess its the lack of sleep in the night which is making it so difficult. A has started getting up every 2 hours and doesnt go back to sleep easily. She doesnt seem to be hungry, just restless. So my schedule is, sleep around 12 (she sleeps at 11 and i usually surf the net/ watch TV for a bit after), wake up at 2:30, try to make her sleep till 3:15, wake up at 4:45, give her milk and make her sleep again, then up again around 6-615, after that the maid takes over and I sleep till 8:45. Hurrah for the maid, dont know what i would do without her. But the point is, A is not 9 months and 10 days old and she's still not sleeping properly in the night. Its been more than a year that I've slept properly (last 3 months of pregnancy i didnt get much sleep either) and now i'm really feeling exhausted! Most of the days i get some sleep in the afternoon, but the days i dont it becomes really awful by evening. Hope A gets into a proper night routine soon!
3. I posted earlier about resigning. No further updates, looks like i;ll have to work till the 15th of February. My boss is showing his true colours now i guess- till now he was ok with my work from home, the other day when he called me for a conference call and couldnt get through my phone it seems he told my colleagues that i was chilling out/on vacation or some rubbish like that. I luckily called at that very point of time and joined the conference, but i really don't like this sort of talk. if you agreed for the work from home and docked my pay as well then at least respect it in front of other colleagues. And its not like people in office are working all the time right? Half the time they are discussing the stock market/cricket match/movies or are in the canteen. Anyway, all the better for me, since i plan to chill now and not take any stress about work.
Off to see the latest Harry potter today. Hubby is babysitting (now that mom is in Bangalore we cant go out for a movie together)
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