S has become very active in the last 2 weeks. She started sitting up on her own about 2 weeks back - and I find her way of sitting up very entertaining. She will lie on her back, then flip over to her stomach, then lift her behind up and scoot backwards and sit backwards- like a car parking in reverse is what the hubby calls it. Now that's she's mastered sitting her next step is to lunge forward towards any object she finds interesting. And inevitably it would not be the musical flower pots which the hubby bought very enthusiastically envisaging S sitting up and hitting the flower faces on the head to hear musical notes/songs, but the plug point next to the bed or the bed drawer which S tries to pull. The main attraction is the plug point which is luckily disabled and S has already learned how to put on the switch. I try to cover it with a pillow but S has learnt to throw the pillow away or else bury her face in the pillow which sends me off on any tangent of worry.
After the plug point comes the bed drawer, S has learnt to lean on her knees and reach towards the drawer and pull it forward. This is itself is ok since the drawer doesn;t have any dangerous objects but in her enthusiasm to pull the drawer S sometimes loses her balance and hits her head against the side of the bed.
Then comes the objects lying on the inside of the bed (the bed has a shelf)- everything is picked up and put into the mouth including the video camera and camera. We have started to keep small items like nail cutters on top of the bed.
We've put the bed against the wall so she can't fall from one side of the bed but when she lunges from one side to the other she sometimes hits her head on the wall or on the side of the bed. We put a small carpet also on the other side of the bed (learning from our mistake last week when S fell headfirst from the sofa in the hall, luckily there was a rug spread so she didn't hit her head on the floor, but it was enough to give us some heartstopping moments). S has also started crawling on the bed since yesterday (September 15) and she scoots from one side to the other. Her cot is put against the bed so she'll scoot to that side, hold the side of the cot and then stand up. She is not as comfortable crawling on the floow (i think she is a creature of comfort and doesn;t like the feel of the hard floor on her knees). Love to see her sitting on the floor and moving cautiously towards any object put on the floor, always making sure that her kness are not exposed much to the floor- but put a rug on the floor and she'll again be scooting on the same.
About 3 weeks back S also started holding onto me/the hubby/the sofa and standing up. A coupel of time she started walking holding onto the sofa when we put her favorutie toy (the newspaper) on one side of the sofa but now she's stopped walking and started lunging towards the toy . The paediatrician said she's too young to be standing up, but I think if she's pulling herself up to standing by herself and is comfortable standing up (when she gets tired she just flops down) she should be alright. We don;t encourage her to stand by pulling her up or anything.
S's favourite play area is her cot. Her mattress is quite bouncy and she loves to bounce from one side of the cot to the other. The railings on one side have three balls on them and S tries to reach up and play with them. This railing side is quite high and every time she tries to reach for them she ends up falling back on the bed- but since the mattress is so bouncy she just finds hte whole thing very funny. S has also learnt to pull herself upto standing using the shorter rails on the other side nad somteimte she'll hold onto the shorter railings and reach for the higher one.
We also have these long cushions which was initially supposed to protect her from the sides of the cot and provide a cosy comforting closed feeling for her to sleep in. Now she just picks them up and plays with them. One of her other favourite acitivities (other than bouncing is playing box box with the cushions with the hubby). She also squeals with delight when boxing or bouncing.
will keep updated with other posts on mumm'y delight's activities
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